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Francophonie month in Panama from March 7 to 24

  Francophonie month in Panama from March 7 to 24 The programming started this Tuesday, March 7 and will end on the 24th of this month at the headquarters of the French Alliance of Panama, located on Calle 44 with Avenida Justo Arosemena in Panama City. Source: La Prensa Concerts, film cycles, educational activities and literary meetings are part of the activities scheduled to celebrate the month of the Francophonie in Panama. The Francophonie includes those men and women who share a common language: French. It is estimated that there are more than 321 million French-speaking people spread across the five continents, according to data from the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), which was born on March 20, 1970 and is made up of more than 88 countries and governments around the world. To celebrate this French-speaking holiday, the diplomatic representations of the OIF countries established in Panama (France, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Haiti, Morocco, Me...